MMP Cap Badge
A brass cap badge/shoulder title for The Military Mounted Police with two hexagonal lug fastenings (east and west). Westlake 566.
Note: Ray Westlake, in his book on Collecting Metal Shoulder Titles, states: "These titles also served as the head-dress badge previous to 1904." read more
30.00 GBP
MPSC Ed7th Cap Badge
A scarce, Edward 7th pattern, brass cap badge for The Military Provost Staff Corps with three lug fastenings (north, east and west). KK1053. read more
45.00 GBP
S of M Cap Badge
A brass cap badge for The School of Musketry with a slider fastening. KK1050. read more
RA Pre-1952 Beret Badge
A nice, brass, beret badge for The Royal Artillery with a slider fastening (marked Dowler Birmingham) AND two lug fastenings (east and west). KK1936. read more
20.00 GBP
RA Cap Badge
A brass cap badge for The Royal Artillery with two lug fastenings (east and west). KK808.
Note: This is an especially nice example, perhaps from the period of Edward 7th? read more
20.00 GBP
RA WW1 Cap Badge
A WW1 economy issue, non-voided pattern, brass cap badge for The Royal Artillery with a slider fastening. As KK808.
Note: The green felt background may be a later addition. read more
20.00 GBP
ROC Cap Badge
A later pattern, white metal, cap badge for The Royal Observer Corps with two lug fastenings (east and west).
Note: This unit received the Royal title in 1941. read more
20.00 GBP
RPC Beret Badge
A brass beret badge for The Royal Pioneer Corps with a slider fastening (marked Buttons Ltd B'ham). Some verdigris. KK2150.
Note: This badge was worn briefly towards the end of the 1940s/early 1950s only. read more
20.00 GBP
RA TA Cap Badge
A brass cap badge for The Royal Artillery (Territorials) with a slider fastening (marked Lambourne & Co Birmingham). The wheel moves. KK821.
Note: This example has 10 leaves on the laurel wreath. read more
25.00 GBP
RMP G6th Cap Badge
A George 6th pattern, chromed, cap badge for The Royal Military Police with a slider fastening. KK2131. read more