2887 items found
SLI Officer's Glengarry Badge

SLI Officer's Glengarry Badge

A scarce and attractive, silver and gilt, glengarry badge for an officer of The Somerset Light Infantry with two lug fastenings (east and west).  read more

Code: 60470

275.00 GBP

GG G6th QM's Cap Badge

GG G6th QM's Cap Badge

A scarce and attractive, George 6th pattern, silver and gilt cap badge for a commissioned quartermaster of The Grenadier Guards with two lug fastenings (east and west). KK1950.

Note: There is a strengthener behind the neck of the grenade.  read more

Code: 60469

125.00 GBP

Northumberland Fusiliers Post-1881 Glengarry Badge

Northumberland Fusiliers Post-1881 Glengarry Badge

A brass, 'circlet pattern', glengarry badge for The Northumberland Fusiliers with two lug fastenings (east and west). There is a strengthener behind the neck of the grenade. KK962.

Note: Colonel Denis Wood's book on The Fifth Fusiliers and its Badge (reference 147 in the second edition or 124 in the first edition) describes this badge as a slouch-hat grenade and dates it to circa...  read more

Code: 60468

50.00 GBP

The Rifles Cap Badge

The Rifles Cap Badge

A white metal/chromed cap badge for The Rifles with a slider fastening.

Note: This is the new 'Tudor crown' version, introduced following the accession of King Charles III in 2022.  read more

Code: 60467


Lanark Yeo Glengarry Badge

Lanark Yeo Glengarry Badge

A brass glengarry badge for The Lanarkshire Yeomanry with two lug fastenings (east and west). KK2312.  read more

Code: 60466

25.00 GBP

ASC Last Pattern Shako Plate

ASC Last Pattern Shako Plate

A scarce, brass, last pattern shako plate for The Army Service Corps with two lug fastenings (east and west). McHenry & Kellock 1013.  read more

Code: 60465

150.00 GBP

Repton School CCF Cap Badge

Repton School CCF Cap Badge

A brass cap badge for The Repton School (Derby) Combined Cadet Force with a slider fastening (marked J.R. Gaunt London - the less usual curved marking). Minor verdigris. KK2651.  read more

Code: 60464

25.00 GBP

Welsh Horse Cap Badge

Welsh Horse Cap Badge

A brass/bronzed cap badge for The Welsh Horse with two lug fastenings (north and south). KK1482.  read more

Code: 60463


Anodised RM Officer's Collar Badges

Anodised RM Officer's Collar Badges

A pair of two-colour, anodised aluminium, mess dress collar badges for an officer of The Royal Marines, each with two lug fastenings (east and west) and black backing discs. As Churchill & Westlake 416 or Rawlinson 678.  read more

Code: 60462

20.00 GBP

19H Shoulder Title

19H Shoulder Title

A brass shoulder title for The 19th Hussars with two hexagonal lug fastenings (east and west). Westlake 176.  read more

Code: 60461

20.00 GBP