SLI Officer's Glengarry Badge
A scarce and attractive, silver and gilt, glengarry badge for an officer of The Somerset Light Infantry with two lug fastenings (east and west). read more
275.00 GBP
GG G6th QM's Cap Badge
A scarce and attractive, George 6th pattern, silver and gilt cap badge for a commissioned quartermaster of The Grenadier Guards with two lug fastenings (east and west). KK1950.
Note: There is a strengthener behind the neck of the grenade. read more
125.00 GBP
Northumberland Fusiliers Post-1881 Glengarry Badge
A brass, 'circlet pattern', glengarry badge for The Northumberland Fusiliers with two lug fastenings (east and west). There is a strengthener behind the neck of the grenade. KK962.
Note: Colonel Denis Wood's book on The Fifth Fusiliers and its Badge (reference 147 in the second edition or 124 in the first edition) describes this badge as a slouch-hat grenade and dates it to circa... read more
50.00 GBP
The Rifles Cap Badge
A white metal/chromed cap badge for The Rifles with a slider fastening.
Note: This is the new 'Tudor crown' version, introduced following the accession of King Charles III in 2022. read more
Lanark Yeo Glengarry Badge
A brass glengarry badge for The Lanarkshire Yeomanry with two lug fastenings (east and west). KK2312. read more
25.00 GBP
ASC Last Pattern Shako Plate
A scarce, brass, last pattern shako plate for The Army Service Corps with two lug fastenings (east and west). McHenry & Kellock 1013. read more
150.00 GBP
Repton School CCF Cap Badge
A brass cap badge for The Repton School (Derby) Combined Cadet Force with a slider fastening (marked J.R. Gaunt London - the less usual curved marking). Minor verdigris. KK2651. read more
25.00 GBP
Welsh Horse Cap Badge
A brass/bronzed cap badge for The Welsh Horse with two lug fastenings (north and south). KK1482. read more
Anodised RM Officer's Collar Badges
A pair of two-colour, anodised aluminium, mess dress collar badges for an officer of The Royal Marines, each with two lug fastenings (east and west) and black backing discs. As Churchill & Westlake 416 or Rawlinson 678. read more
20.00 GBP
19H Shoulder Title
A brass shoulder title for The 19th Hussars with two hexagonal lug fastenings (east and west). Westlake 176. read more
20.00 GBP