7 items found
21L Czapka Płate

21L Czapka Płate

A rare, brass, lance cap plate for The 21st Lancers with two screw fastenings (east and west). KK725 or Rowe & Carman 101.

Note: Rowe & Carman describe this as 'pattern A' - the first of four. They note the Khartoum honour, carried on later plates, was awarded in 1898.  read more

Code: 60450

250.00 GBP

Victorian 17th Lancers Czapka Płate

Victorian 17th Lancers Czapka Płate

A nice, brass, lance-cap plate for The 17th Lancers with two screw fastenings (east and west). As KK723 or Rowe & Carman 97.

Note: David Rowe & William Carman, in their book on Head Dress of the British Lancers 1816- to the Present, describe this as 'pattern E', the second plate with a Victorian crown and the fifth of six patterns described.

The South Africa honour...  read more

Code: 59975

150.00 GBP

12th Lancers Czapka Płatę

12th Lancers Czapka Płatę

A nice, brass, lance-cap plate for The 12th Lancers with two screw fastenings (east and west) and two nuts intact. As KK721 or Rowe & Carman 81.

Note: David Rowe & William Carman, in their book on Head Dress of the British Lancers 1816- to the Present, describe this as 'pattern E', the final Victorian plate (of three) and the fifth of six patterns described.

They n...  read more

Code: 59690

150.00 GBP

21L Czapka Płatę

21L Czapka Płatę

A rare, brass, lance cap plate for The 21st Lancers with two screw fastenings (east and west). As KK725 or Rowe & Carman 103.

Note: Rowe & Carman describe this as 'pattern C' - the third of four and the last Victorian version.

They note the Khartoum honour was awarded in 1898, which makes this a short-lived version ('pattern B' also carried this honour).  read more

Code: 58930

250.00 GBP

Victorian 16L Czapka Płatę

Victorian 16L Czapka Płatę

A nice, brass, lance cap plate for The 16th Lancers with two screw fastenings (east and west). Slightly flattened, with two small pinholes on either side of the crown. As KK722 or Rowe & Carman 91.

Note: Rowe & Carman describe this as 'pattern E', the final Victorian plate, with 13 battle honours.  read more

Code: 58725

135.00 GBP

Edwardian 16th Lancers Czapka Plate

Edwardian 16th Lancers Czapka Plate

A brass lance-cap plate for The 16th Lancers with two screw fastenings (east and west). KK722 or Rowe & Carman 97.

Note: Rowe & Carman describe this plate as pattern 'F'. This includes the South Africa 1900-02 honour (awarded in 1902) but not the Beaumont and Willems honours awarded retrospectively c1910. This dates the plate to c1902-10.  read more

Code: 58525

125.00 GBP

Victorian 9L Czapka Plate

Victorian 9L Czapka Plate

A brass lance-cap plate for The 9th Lancers with two screw fastenings (east and west). As KK719 or Rowe & Carman 73 (pattern G).

Note: Unfortunately this plate has a slight knick at the bottom. It also shows small holes when held up to the light (otherwise not noticeable). Priced accordingly.  read more

Code: 58430

120.00 GBP