21st Lancers Officer's Collar Badge
A scarce and attractive, silver and gilt, collar badge for an officer of The 21st Lancers with two lug fastenings (north and south). As Churchill & Westlake 37. read more
75.00 GBP
Anodised DCLI Collar Badges
A pair of anodised aluminium collar badges for The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, each with a single lug fastening. Churchill 913.
Note: Colin Churchill, in his book on the History of The British Army Infantry Collar Badge, states: "From 1951, the territorial other ranks wore a smaller version of the cap badge. Firstly in white metal... followed by the silver anodised version... read more
20.00 GBP
9L OSD Collar Badges
A pair of bronzed officer's service dress collar badges for The 9th Lancers, each with two lug fastenings (east and west). Churchill & Westlake 22. read more
35.00 GBP
13th Hussars Collar Badge
A scarce, brass, collar badge for The 13th Hussars with two lug fastenings (north and south). The reverse is marked for manufacturer J.R. Gaunt London.
Note: This is perhaps an officer's item. read more
20.00 GBP
18th Hussars Collar Badges
A pair of white metal collar badges for The 18th Hussars, each with two lug fastenings (east and west). Churchill & Westlake 34. read more
20.00 GBP
RWY Collar Badges
A selection of three collar badges for The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry - one bi-metal with two lug fastenings (east and west), one bi-metal with a single central lug fastening and one anodised aluminium with a single central lug fastening. As Churchill & Westlake 56.
From the Keith Hook collection. read more
30.00 GBP
LSH Collar Badges
A selection of four white metal collar badges for The Loyal Suffolk Hussars, each with two lug fastenings (east and west). Churchill & Westlake 83.
From the Keith Hook collection. read more
40.00 GBP
LSH Collar Badge
A brass collar badge for The Loyal Suffolk Hussars with two lug fastenings (east and west). Churchill & Westlake 83.
From the Keith Hook collection. read more
10.00 GBP
Edwardian 18H Collar Badges
A pair of bi-metal collar badges for The 18th Hussars, each with two lug fastenings (east and west). Churchill & Westlake 33.
Note: Colin Churchill and Ray Westlake, in their book on British Army Collar Badges 1881 to the Present, date these collars to pre-1911 (so circa 1902-11). read more
R Alderney Militia Collar Badges
A pair of white metal collar badges for The Royal Alderney Militia, each with two lug fastenings (east and west). read more
30.00 GBP