Queen's Edinburgh RV Brigade Cap Badge
A King's crown, blackened brass cap badge for the Queen's Edinburgh Rifle Volunteer Brigade with two lug fastenings (east and west). Worn c1902-08. Bloomer, book two, 41. read more
75.00 GBP
Kent Volunteer Fencibles Cap Badge
A nice white metal cap badge to the Kent Volunteer Fencibles (VTC) with a slider fastening. KK1629. read more
35.00 GBP
16th Foot Last Pattern Shako Plate
A nice brass last pattern (1869-78) shako plate for the 16th Foot (later 1st Bedfordshire Regiment) with two lug fastenings (east and west). As KK180. read more
95.00 GBP
1st VB Leicestershire Regt WBC
A white metal waist-belt clasp for the 1st Volunteer Battalion of the Leicestershire Regiment. Unfortunately, in slightly polish and "pitted" condition. HQ at Leicester. read more
50.00 GBP
4th VB King's Glengarry Badge
A Victorian white metal glengarry badge for the 4th Volunteer Battalion of the King's (Liverpool) Regiment with three lug fastenings (north, east and west). Unfortunately, the orb of the crown is missing. HQ at Liverpool. read more
80.00 GBP
1st Herefordshire RVC Helmet Plate
A scarce Victorian white metal helmet plate for the 1st Herefordshire Rifle Volunteer Corps with three blackened lug fastenings (north, east and west). KK1788. read more
175.00 GBP
1st VB Leicestershire Helmet Plate
A Victorian white metal helmet plate to the 1st Volunteer Battalion Leicestershire Regiment with three blackened lug fastenings (north, east and west). HQ at Leicester. read more
150.00 GBP
Early Army Ordnance Corps Cap Badge
A nice early, large pattern, AOC cap badge with two lug fastenings (eaast and west). KK1023. read more
40.00 GBP