KOSB NCO's Glengarry Badge
A scarce, silvered (NCO's quality, unfretted), glengarry badge for the King's Own Scottish Borderers with two lug fastenings (east and west, re-soldered). KK629. read more
75.00 GBP
5th/7th/8th HLI Glengarry Badge
A white metal glengarry badge for the 5th, 7th and 8th (territorial) battalions of the Highland Light Infantry with two lug fastenings (east and west). The South Africa 1900-02 honour has been ERASED. KK1749/1750. read more
35.00 GBP
RSF Fur Cap Grenade
A brass fur cap grenade for the Royal Scots Fusiliers with two lug fastenings (north and south). KK949. read more
50.00 GBP
Tyneside Scottish Glengarry Badge
A white metal, 'two feet on the tower' pattern, glengarry badge for the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 29th Battalions of the Northumberland Fusiliers (Tyneside Scottish) with two lug fastenings (east and west). KK1137.
Note: These units were part of Kitchener's Army. read more
40.00 GBP
A&SH Plastic Cap Badge
A scarce, WW2 economy issue, plastic cap badge for the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders with two blade fastenings (east and west). Some warping. KK2261. read more
75.00 GBP
Queen's Edinburgh Rifle Volunteer Brigade Pouch Badge
A blackened brass pouch badge for the Queen's Edinburgh Rifle Volunteer Brigade with two screw fastenings (north and south). read more
75.00 GBP
George Watson's College OTC Cap Badge
A white metal cap badge for the George Watson's College Officer Training Corps (Edinburgh) with two lug fastenings (east and west). Minor polish. KK2561. read more
40.00 GBP
Queen's Edinburgh RV Brigade Cap Badge
A King's crown, blackened brass cap badge for the Queen's Edinburgh Rifle Volunteer Brigade with two lug fastenings (east and west). Worn c1902-08. Bloomer, book two, 41. read more
75.00 GBP